Palliative care
Palliative medicine in Englewood, Colorado
We hope to relieve pain, increase comfort and improve your quality of life.
If you have a chronic or life-limiting illness, HCA HealthONE Swedish's palliative care team offers insights, compassion and support. We help you and your family make informed decisions about your treatment and pain management. We also align your care plan with your individual, cultural, spiritual and social values.
Expert advice, available 24/7
Free health-related advice is just a phone call away. Our nurses help you understand your symptoms, treatment options and procedures. They will also help you find a provider or specialist and schedule an appointment.
Free health-related advice is just a phone call away. Our nurses help you understand your symptoms, treatment options and procedures. They will also help you find a provider or specialist and schedule an appointment.
Our palliative care program
Your palliative care team is comprised of experienced professionals, including a palliative medicine physician, social worker and chaplain. This multidisciplinary team ensures you get the physical, mental and emotional support you need.
Palliative services we offer
Palliative care is specialized medical care that focuses on the relief of the symptoms and stress of serious illness. The goal of our services is to prevent and ease suffering and to improve the quality of life for you and your family.
Our services provide relief from symptoms such as:
- Anxiety
- Constipation
- Depression
- Difficulty sleeping
- Fatigue
- Loss of appetite
- Nausea
- Pain
- Shortness of breath
Care planning services
We can also help you and your loved ones make complex decisions and help you determine the goals of your care. We can help with decisions about:
- Treatment options such as chemotherapy, surgery, artificial nutrition, dialysis, radiation therapy and pain medication
- Advanced directives such as CPR and ventilation support
- Medical Power of Attorney
Coordinated palliative care services
Your palliative care team works with your medical doctor, such as your oncologist, surgeon or cardiologist. Our coordinated services can be provided alongside rigorous medical treatment such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy and other treatments your doctor recommends.
How do I connect to the palliative care team?
Ask your physician of nurse about requesting a consultation for palliative care. Your medical team will write an order and a palliative care team member will then meet with you and your family to explore ways we may be able to assist.
In general, palliative care can help if:
- Your pain and symptoms are preventing you from enjoying your life
- You are uncertain about your treatment options and what you might expect
- You are spending more time in the hospital than at home
- You feel like you are losing control of your life because of your illness
- You feel like you are becoming a burden to your family and friends because of your illness
- You need help putting a plan in place for when you are no longer able to care for yourself or make your own medical decisions
- Your family could use extra support to see you through your illness
- You are unsure what your doctor would think if you wanted to stop treating your illness aggressively
Learn more about our palliative care by calling (303) 788-6866.
Who is eligible for palliative care?
Palliative care is appropriate at any age and any stage of an illness, and it can be provided at the same time as curative treatment.
Discover palliative care
Our services are appropriate for you if you are diagnosed with a progressive and/or chronic life-limiting illness such as:
- Cancer
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- Congestive heart failure (CHF)
- Dementia or Alzheimer's
- Kidney or liver failure
- Progressive, chronic neurological disorders
Looking for a location?
Our Palliative care Locations
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