Colleague Spotlight: Lynne Pickett
The DAISY Foundation is an international recognition program that rewards and celebrates the extraordinary, compassionate and skillful care given by nurses every day. We are proud to recognize Lynne Pickett, RN, Mom and Baby, with this special honor.
In nominating Lynne, one of her patients wrote, “Two days after delivery, while in postpartum, I had many visitors, tests, lots of paperwork and support for breastfeeding. I had read all about breastfeeding and felt ready to tackle the task. After we started the process, I felt overwhelmed and defeated that my son was not latching and I had such a small quantity of colostrum to give. It felt impossible, holding my tiny 7lbs. 4 oz. baby and feeling completely hopeless that I couldn’t give him the milk that I wanted to provide for him so badly. The breast pain from pumping was excruciating, the pages and pages of instructions on how to breastfeed were overwhelming and the exhaustion of so little sleep, loosing blood, and mental health settling in was heavy.
As I sat feeling defeated and deeply alone, Lynne unexpectedly walked in. She saw my tears and sat next to me, hugged me and healed me in ways I didn’t know I needed with her loving energy and validating words. She felt like the mother figure I always wished I had. I explained my feelings of defeat in breastfeeding and she offered to work with me. Repeatedly she guided my son to my breast and supported my hands in holding my breast in place to extract colostrum. Over and over, she tried and tried, celebrating every small victory and reassuring that we would keep trying after every failed latch.
After about 30 minutes, when I started to feel like I wasn’t’ going to be able to do it, he had a great latch. Lynne, holding his tiny head in one hand and my hand in the other, so gently and very so slowly let go. The silence in the room was stunning and time stood still. She softly said over my shoulder, ‘That’s what it feels like to nurse your baby.’ I started crying all over again, in relief, joy and surprise.
I believe Lynne is to owe for my breastfeeding success and sanity with it. I am tearing up just reliving this moment and typing this. She unexpectedly gave me a gift of confidence, support, and love that I so deeply needed in the most vulnerable time in my life. I will remember Lynne forever and what she gave to my baby and me. I hope to see her for baby number two down the road. Thank you, Lynne!”
Thank you, Lynne, for exemplifying our promise to Care Like Family.
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