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HCA HealthONE Sky Ridge top charges

In compliance with federal law, please view pricing information for certain procedures and services at HCA HealthONE Sky Ridge.

Top 50 DRGs
DRG Plain Language Description Average Charge
871 Septicemia or severe sepsis without MV >96 hours with complication $19,636
795 Normal newborn $2,512
454 Combined anterior and posterior spinal fusion with comorbidity $70,969
872 Septicemia or severe sepsis without MV >96 hours without complication $11,628
807 Vaginal delivery without sterilization or D&C without comorbidity/complication $10,751
455 Combined anterior and posterior spinal fusion without comorbidity/complication $69,874
392 Esophagitis, gastroenteritis and miscellaneous digestive disorders without complication $12,176
794 Neonate with other significant problems $5,077
621 O.R. procedures for obesity without comorbidity/complication $47,763
330 Major small and large bowel procedures with comorbidity $32,249
552 Medical back problems without complication $11,612
481 Hip and femur procedures except major joint with comorbidity $25,618
853 Infectious and parasitic diseases with O.R. procedures with complication $83,999
560 Aftercare, musculoskeletal system and connective tissue with comorbidity $12,751
470 Major hip and knee joint replacement or reattachment of lower extremity without complication $19,842
193 Simple pneumonia and pleurisy with complication $16,288
460 Spinal fusion except cervical without complication $40,692
806 Vaginal delivery without sterilization or D&C with comorbidity $11,656
788 Cesarean section without sterilization without comorbidity/complication $19,215
792 Prematurity without major problems $12,762
640 Miscellaneous disorders of nutrition, metabolism, fluids and electrolytes with complication $2,485
787 Cesarean section without sterilization with comorbidity $20,236
331 Major small and large bowel procedures without comorbidity/complication $23,687
683 Renal failure with comorbidity $9,453
189 Pulmonary edema and respiratory failure $10,150
467 Revision of hip or knee replacement with comorbidity $34,978
280 Acute myocardial infarction, discharged alive with complication $14,307
329 Major small and large bowel procedures with complication $66,885
291 Heart failure and shock with complication $11,399
682 Renal failure with complication $11,566
603 Cellulitis without complication $8,267
472 Cervical spinal fusion with comorbidity $28,311
177 Respiratory infections and inflammations with complication $11,870
793 Full term neonate with major problems $12,946
516 Other musculoskeletal system and connective tissue O.R. procedures with comorbidity $26,500
394 Other digestive system diagnoses with comorbidity $10,601
854 Infectious and parasitic diseases with O.R. procedures with comorbidity $21,721
439 Disorders of pancreas except malignancy with comorbidity $14,488
064 Intracranial hemorrhage or cerebral infarction with complication $16,721
175 Pulmonary embolism with complication or acute cor pulmonale $12,506
327 Stomach, esophageal and duodenal procedures with comorbidity $28,440
389 Gastrointestinal obstruction with comorbidity $7,641
690 Kidney and urinary tract infections without complication $7,266
791 Prematurity with major problems $39,808
768 Vaginal delivery with O.R. procedures except sterilization and/or D&C $14,019
896 Alcohol, drug abuse or dependence without rehabilitation therapy with complication $28,220
309 Cardiac arrhythmia and conduction disorders with comorbidity $6,250
391 Esophagitis, gastroenteritis and miscellaneous digestive disorders with complication $24,283
785 Vaginal delivery without sterilization with complication $15,068
518 Back and neck procedures except spinal fusion with complication or disc device or neurostimulator $41,526
Top 25 CPT
CPT Plain Language Description Charge
85027 Blood count; complete (CBC), automated (Hgb, Hct, RBC, WBC and platelet count) $596
80053 Comprehensive metabolic panel $1,389
99284 Level 4 Emergency Room Visit $12,000
93005 Electrocardiogram, routine ECG with at least 12 leads; tracing only, without interpretation and report $1,487
80048 Basic metabolic panel $1,144
96374 Therapeutic, prophylactic, or diagnostic injection $513
84484 Troponin, quantitative $1,186
99283 Emergency department visit for the evaluation and management of a patient, which requires a medically appropriate history and/or examination and low level of medical decision making $7,160
96375 Therapeutic, prophylactic, each additional sequential intravenous push of a new substanceedure) $495
71045 Radiologic examination, chest; single view $1,396
97140 Manual therapy techniques (eg, mobilization/ manipulation, manual lymphatic drainage, manual traction), 1 or more regions, each 15 minutes $350
83690 Lipase $907
81001 Lab test to examine urine $778
81003 Urine test without microscope $260
86900 Blood typing, serologic; ABO $337
86901 Blood typing, serologic; Rh (D) $337
84703 Gonadotropin, chorionic (hCG); qualitative $510
86850 Antibody screen, RBC, each serum technique $586
36591 Collection of blood specimen from a completely implantable venous access device $163
99285 Emergency department visit for the evaluation and management of a patient, which requires a medically appropriate history and/or examination and high level of medical decision making $19,503
74177 Computed tomography, abdomen and pelvis; with contrast material(s) $16,881
97110 Therapeutic procedure, 1 or more areas, each 15 minutes; $350
88305 Tissue Exam by Pathologist $2,834
77412 Radiation treatment delivery $7,154
77386 Intensity modulated radiation treatment delivery (IMRT), includes guidance and tracking, when performed; complex $14,365

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