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Bariatric surgery vs. weight loss drugs: What's right for you?

Used together, weight loss surgery and weight loss drugs can be valuable in assisting you in your weight loss journey.

September 07, 2023
A woman dressed in athletic gear smiling outdoors

What’s the deal with all of these weight loss options?

“If you’re scrolling through social media, you’re going to see something about a weight loss drug,” says Dr. Michael Snyder, the Medical Director of the HCA HealthONE Denver Center for Weight Loss and Bariatric Surgery - a part of HCA HealthONE.

Online pharmacies, medical spas and diet clinics take advantage of the fact that our country has alarming statistics on obesity and that the situation is truly an epidemic. 

Dr. Snyder says more than one-third of adults — or 78.6 million people — are obese, often leading to an increased risk of chronic and life-threatening diseases like heart disease, kidney failure, stroke and Type 2 diabetes.

“A lot of this data was pre-pandemic, and we all know how the pandemic negatively impacted our health and weight,” Dr. Snyder says.

He says the key to finding what works for you is partnering with an experienced physician who can create a plan that will work with your body.

“Our goal is to help patients find short-term and long-term weight loss solutions specific to their needs and health history– making them feel more comfortable and confident,” Dr. Snyder says.

Short-term weight loss solutions

Diet pills and fad diets:

He says quick fixes like fad diets and pills not prescribed by and supervised by a medically-based, weight-loss program isn’t the key to long-term, successful weight loss. “I encourage patients to approach weight loss as a lifestyle change, starting with a plan for goal weight, overhauling diet and eliminating sweets, refined sugars and processed foods and developing an exercise routine,” he says.

“Diet and behavioral changes under the care of a medical team, including a dietitian is critical,” Dr. Snyder says. “All successful studies show and use of the team-approach with medical expertise in diet and behavior changes to get the results you want.”

Weight loss injections:

Dr. Snyder says weight loss injections do not work for everyone and they are not risk free which is why it’s important to work with a physician. “The use of medically-supervised injectables has been a game changer in making a difference, but the key is partnering with a physician who has the experience to customize the program that is right for you.” he says.

“I prescribe weight loss injectables regularly both preoperatively and post operatively to patients,” he says. “They do really well and they are helping change the way your metabolism works.”

Dr. Snyder says the medication in injectables immobilizes the muscles of the stomach wall and prevents them from contracting. This keeps food in the stomach longer, slowing digestion and helping you feel fuller faster and for a longer time.

Dr. Snyder says weight loss injections may be a good option for adults who:

  • Have moderate weight loss goals such as to lose weight before an elective surgery or to assist with fertility;
  • Have a body mass index (BMI) of 30 to 40;
  • Have not had success with lifestyle modifications such as diet and exercise;
  • Want to jump start a healthier lifestyle;
  • Want to reduce the risk of weight-related illness, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, sleep apnea or heart disease.

He also recommends strategic lifestyle changes like keeping a food journal, tracking daily steps, setting daily goals and eating breakfast.

“As a bariatric surgeon I’m passionately dedicated to providing long-term solutions for patients through metabolic and bariatric surgery, however, we have found great success in starting our program with short term, customized solutions to help the patient with big wins, early on so they find that success as they prepare for longer term solutions,” Dr. Snyder says.

He says creating a long-term plan is key.

“What we see in clinical trials is when you stop taking the medication the weight will come back,” Dr. Snyder says. “That is why we want to focus on surgery for patients who meet the criteria for weight loss surgery. Right now, that is someone with a BMI of 35.”

Long-term weight loss solutions

“With success of the short-term process, we move the patient to that next step, as appropriate, to surgical weight loss surgery,” Dr. Snyder says.

Based upon their specific needs and goals, there are several weight loss surgery options, including, laparoscopic surgery or minimally invasive robotic-assisted weight surgeries, including gastric bypass, adjustable gastric surgery and the gastric sleeve procedure, which is the most popular surgical weight loss procedure in the U.S.

Duodenal switch:

The duodenal switch is a procedure that combines two types of bariatric procedures — restriction and malabsorption. One of the benefits of this is that it leaves the valve at the bottom of the stomach. This lengthens the amount of time food stays in the stomach, which gives a longer feeling of fullness. Another advantage is that it limits the amount of fat that is absorbed from the intake of food. Lastly, the procedure is completely reversible because the small intestine is not removed.

Gastric bypass:

The Roux en-Y Gastric Bypass has long been considered the "gold standard" for obesity surgery. This procedure is particularly suited to persons with a body mass index (BMI) of 35 or greater along with comorbidities, such as diabetes, high blood pressure or sleep apnea. Most people are able to return to work in two to three weeks after surgery.

Gastric lap band:

The gastric lap band procedure reduces weight loss through restriction (a band around the outside of the uppermost stomach). This surgery can serve as a great option for gaining long-term control of your weight. It is typically better suited for people who have a lower BMI (30 to 40).

Other bariatric procedures:

The HCA HealthONE bariatric surgery team is highly experienced and committed to finding the least invasive method of treatment, while still providing a safe outcome for you. Click the links below to learn more about the benefits and details of each.

“Surgery is the beginning of your weight loss journey,” Dr. Snyder says. “Commitment and hard work are needed after surgery to reach your weight loss goals. Diet and exercise will be important in your recovery process. We also offer post-surgical support and nutritional support to help you meet your goals.”

Whether you choose weight loss injectables or weight loss surgery, Dr. Snyder says the right combination of tools and lifestyle change are essential to a successful obesity treatment plan.

“I encourage all of my patients to achieve their individual goals by approaching weight loss as a lifestyle change for a healthier life, starting with partnering with the specialist you feel most comfortable with – and check their credentials, don’t be shy about asking for references,” Dr. Snyder says. “Then, together, you’ll determine your ideal goal weight, develop that plan and approach the program like a partnership. At HCA HealthONE, we value each patient and their families who trust us to achieve their goals, and take great pride in watching their success – short and long term.”

We can help you effectively lose weight, get healthy and regain your life. In the Rocky Mountain region, HCA HealthONE offers several types of bariatric surgery — each designed to decrease food intake with the goal of rapid weight loss. We offer multiple procedures and consider each one carefully based on your unique health and weight goals. Our team is ready to support you as you work toward a healthier lifestyle.

Calculate your BMI, find out if you are a candidate for weight loss surgery and find a physician at the HCA HealthONE website.


September 07, 2023
HCA HealthONE Rose

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