Register online for an appointment
Welcome to Online Registration!
Our patients now have the ability to register online. We want to make preparing for your hospital visit – whether it’s to have a child, or an outpatient procedure – as simple and stress-free as possible.
Register Now
Please register at least 48 hours before your visit to the hospital to allow adequate time for processing your information.
What you'll need to Register
- Your personal contact information including occupation information
- Emergency contact information
- Insurance information, group name and number, policy number, address and telephone number
- Physician name
- Date of procedure
Surgery patients, please also have this information available:
- The names, addresses and phone numbers of your physicians
- A list of all medications you are taking, their dosage and frequency
- A list of surgical procedures you have ever had
- The name of the surgeon who will be performing your upcoming procedure
To register online at HCA HealthONE Sky Ridge, sign in using your MyHealthONE® account.
Having trouble? Please contact us at:
Local Phone:
(720) 225-1555
Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Schedule a mammogram
You can now schedule a screening mammogram online. For assistance scheduling your screening or diagnostic mammogram, please call (844) 801-9316.
You can now schedule a screening mammogram online. For assistance scheduling your screening or diagnostic mammogram, please call (844) 801-9316.